
Alice in Wonderland for apple download
Alice in Wonderland for apple download

Aside from the fact that he was a brilliant author, he was also a genius for mathematics and logic. His everlasting fairy-tale of Alice and her Wonderland is one of the most celebrated pieces of the 1800's classics for children his love for children and their nonsensical yet sometimes seriously logical harmony is portrayed in all of his novels. Actual name Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, his pseudonym is better known.

Alice in Wonderland for apple download

Lewis Carroll is a renowned author of the Alice in Wonderland, also known for his mathematic genius, religious status and logical studies throughout his life. Although she has woken from the nap, Alice's beautiful dream is still with us in paper and ink- and perhaps in the screens of many new readers.Ī bestselling children's novel then and even now, the nonsensical yet marvelously fascinating tale of Wonderland down the rabbit-hole is the all-time classic nevertheless of time and age. The end of the book brings us back out of this wonderful dream gently with a pleasant but oddly blue feeling as if the gentle voice of Alice's sister calling her out of the drowsy dreamland is actually beside us. The colorful characters that lives inside the very pages of this book still dares us to venture into their world.

Alice in Wonderland for apple download Alice in Wonderland for apple download

And without a thought at how she is going to get out, she jumps into a long, winding rabbit-hole after the him that is how Alice's wondrous adventures kick into a start. Alice then spots a white rabbit dashing for somewhere exclaiming he is dearly late so she runs after the rabbit, eager to find out how a rabbit happened to get a waist-coat and a watch to take out of it. In this book, we follow the footsteps of the lovely Alice, a little girl of 'exactly seven and a half', bored in a sleepy afternoon with her elder sister who is doing nothing but reading a tedious book. One of the most famous and most well known children's classic of all time, this monumental book by Lewis Carroll is full of otherworldly puzzles and riddles that attracts readers in a curious way.

Alice in Wonderland for apple download