Finally the player collects edible plants and builds a well in their forest escape. They craft a fishing pole, and then the player banishes a swarm of Tracker Jackers. Katniss then shows the player the lake in the district woods, where her father would take her to when she was younger. Chapter Two: Uncover Secrets - Katniss teaches the player a lullaby sung by her father, and brings the player to the illegal black market in their district, the Hob, to trade with Rummage and Raab, and fix Moira's stand.They make snares, banish a vulture mutt, and collect from the snares.

The player is introduced to Gale Hawthorne, who teaches how to hunt in order to survive the harsh living conditions of District 12. Chapter One: Learn to Survive - In this chapter, the player starts by building, decorating, and using the shelter in their forest escape.Prologue: The Journey Begins - The game begins with a tutorial with Katniss and Peeta, in which the player receives a bow and arrows to defend themselves and fend off a vulture mutt, as well as meet Peeta at the Bakery and illegally barter meat and bread.